Friday, December 14, 2007


That's right, I'm gonna graduate. The same guy who once shaved his butt to win a $5 bet. And in just a shade under a decade too. Oh man, I am so excited. But I'm also pretty freaked. I have no immediate plans to go to graduate school, so I'm going to be stepping out into the big scary world right away. This is weird, especially for a guy who has not had a job that has lasted more than three months ever in his life. And on top of that, I'm turning 25 at the end of December and I will have to be paying for health insurance. I don't know why but to me that's a big deal. It kind of signifies that I will be grown up. And I will be off my Dad's membership at the country club and I will have to pay for golf now too. This sucks. I don't want to grow up.

Oh well, you have to move on sometime, right? So far I'm just planning on finding a job somewhere small and saving money so I can start my own business. I have had a few offers lately from places that don't sound interesting, so I have just told them I would think about it. What I would really like to do is get a job as a professional public speaker. That's a job right? I don't know why, that just sounds like something I would be good at. And I know what you're all thinking, "public speaking, I thought Pig was way too shy to want to speak in public?" Actually, I really like public speaking. It's challenging and it gives me a thrill. We'll see what happens.

Ok, I know. Long written blog posts without pictures are boring. Well maybe I won't put a picture in this blog, ok? Actually I just bought myself a new ipod and I was going to take a picture of it and put it on the blog, but who hasn't seen an ipod before? Then I was going to put a video on my blog from Tommy Boy, ya'know when he's running down the sidewalk yelling, "I got a D-, I'm gonna graduate!!" That's the video I wanted to post but I couldn't find it on YouTube. Just imagine what it's like and I'm sure you'll start smiling just thinking about it.

Okay, this is getting long. I heard there might be a party/get-together at my house tomorrow (12/15) that Joe was planning and can't come to. Anyone who is in town is welcome to come by, I'd love to see you. I wasn't planning on getting food but if people really are going to come we could order pizza or something. Just call me before you come. (801)209-6120


Spencer said...

Oh man Pig, if you save the pizza party until next Friday when I'll be home, I'll definitely come. Good luck on being grown up. The best way to get good health insurance is to either: 1. Get a job with good benefits, or 2. Marry a girl that has a good job with benefits. Good luck on either / both of those.

Our Little Fam said...

Welcome to the grown up world, yeah it's kinda scary. But who am I to talk, I am graduated and still have never had a job that has lasted longer then three months, if you don't count being mom. Oh and I like the public speaking ambition, that is what Brandon wants to do to.

Tyson and Marie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Seriously....that is so awesome! I bet it feels good to be done. I think you would be a great public speaker! I want to come see you speak. Have a Merry Christmas


Spencer said...

Hey Piggy,

Lets see some more blogs eh!