Sunday, March 23, 2008

Some Pig

I was working on my computer a couple weeks ago and my dad walked in the room and looked at the title of my blog and said, "Uh, Jordan(that's for Andy)...Jordan pees his pants too? What's that all about?" So I decided to change the title of my blog to something a little more appropriate.

And the new quiz is just for fun. I know exactly what I want to do with my life. I just thought I would get some input on what kind of day job to get, since I hate my current job.


Spencer said...

I like the new blog title. I would say be a stay at home dad, but that requires two things: 1) a wife 2) kids.

Seeing as you don't have either of those I would say that you should stay at your current job for a while until you can land your dream job of sorts.

Jaime And Kalen said...

I voted other so I will explain. You should be a sunglasses wearing switchblade salesman. Whatever happened to switchblades anyways? When you walk up to the door to do your sales pitch you could play that 1980s Cory Heart song entitled "I wear my sunglasses at night" but make sure to start the cd on the line that says "Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades, NO NO!" You could call your own brand of switchblades. RAZORBACKS.

Alex said...

"Uh Jordan" we think you should be a professional cartoon character. This comes with all the perks of being famous and who wouldn't want to see what they look like as a cartoon? The new title of the blog is looking good. We're glad to see that Joe Stobbe is censuring the content of this blog. That picture you have for your profile is a little dirty for my taste, but who am I to judge?